Our Story

The story of Campbell Soup began in 1869 when Joseph Campbell, a fruit merchant, and Abraham Anderson, an icebox maker, formed the Joseph Campbell Preserve Company in Camden, New Jersey producing and selling canned fruits and vegetable preserves.

It wasn’t until 1897 that the concept of condensed soup was born with much thanks to John T. Dorrance. Condensed soup revolutionized how North Americans could easily and quickly feed their families with affordable, delicious and nourishing soup.

The new condensed soup was easier to transport and by reducing the quantity of water, the volume of an individual can was greatly reduced which made it economical.

Soon the Company expanded to 21 kinds of condensed soups, all of which sold for 10 cents a can

Campbell first introduced Condensed Soups in 1897 and it revolutionized the way people ate.

Campbell Soup Company comes to Canada

On November 28, 1930, the wholesome, convenient goodness of the famous “red and white label” finally came to Canada. Nine months later in New Toronto, just north of Lake Ontario, Campbell’s Toronto Plant opened its doors and quite literally fired-up the kettles!

Some can still remember the early days, when the start of tomato soup production season marked the town with “help needed” notices written on the sidewalks of Lakeshore Boulevard in chalk. Campbell came to rely on our community a great deal, and many generations of families since have continued to contribute to Campbell’s success.

After World War 2, Campbell cooked up recipes like the “Green Bean Casserole” which became classics that live on today!

Cook With Campbell’s

The idea to use condensed soup in recipes originated in a cookbook entitled “Helps for the Hostess” that was published in 1916.

After the Second World War, Campbell home economists cooked up recipes like “GREEN BEAN CASSEROLE” that fed scores of baby boomers and became classic dishes that live on today.

As our line-up has expanded over the years, Campbell’s soups and broths have continued to inspire delicious, nutritious and easy-to-make weeknight dinners. So much so that the cookbook has moved online. So for Weeknight Dinners That Click™ , visit COOKWITHCAMPBELLS.CA.

Campbell Canada Expands

Over the years, Campbell Canada expands to include:

V8®, Pepperidge Farm®, Prego®, Pace®, Habitant®, Goldfish® and Pacific Foods.

The Best Is Yet To Come 

Campbell Canada has had a long and productive history.

But it’s our future we’re really excited about. 

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Find out more about Campbell Company of Canada.

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We take care every step of the way to make food that’s top quality, delicious and safe.